Just arrived in Taipei after a grueling 14 hour flight anxious to get to Bali which is only another 8 hours away. I can do it. I know this airport so well by now. I’ve only done this trip about a million times.

With a 3 hour layover I’m going to need coffee and a Wi-Fi connection so I head to Starbucks and send out a message to my people in Bali to ask if anyone can pick me up at the Airport when I arrive — and lo and behold I get a message from my friend who’s Villa I I will be staying at telling me there are problems with the Villa and I can’t stay there.

Are you kidding me, is this a joke?

Nope, no joke. I’m way too tired to panic so I get my wits together and call my good friend Billy Moon who has this extraordinary Villa in the Umalas. He answers and just like the good friend he is says sure you can stay here. Whew!

Time to get out of Dodge and board the plane. Touch down in Bali, grab a cab and here I am back in my own little Paradise.

I’m going to be living like a little creative queen for the next 3 months in a place that is straight out of Architectural Digest. Let the creative juices flow and the adventures to create a brilliant clothing line begin.